Latest Android Interview Questions
1. Difference between Service and AsyncTask? 2. Life cycle of fragment? 3. Localization in Android 4. Handling different display devices in android 5. How mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi folder works? 6. Custom UI design procedure? 7. Bluetooth connection and how u will pair? 8. Abstract, interface, inheritance? 9. Overloading, over riding? 10. What is thread, process, and how will u create thread? 11. What is synchronization and where will you use it? 12. Why we will go for serialization and its importance in java? 13. HashMap, hashtable, iterator, enumaration? 14. which one is best to use ArrayList or LinkedList? 15. what is ThreadLocal? 16. StoredProcedure, Sqlite 17. Difference between IntentService n service? 18. How will you create Broadcase receiver and where u used in ur project? 19. What is a “DOCTYPE” tag and what does this tag do? 20. How does a browser come to know, if the page written is in HTML4.1 or HTML5 ?