Volley: Easy, Fast Networking for Android - Example
Volley is a library that makes networking for Android apps easier and most importantly, faster. We'll give an overview of how it works, common patterns that work well with it, and a walkthrough of how you can easily load thumbnail images for your ListView from the network in parallel. Volley can be powerful alternative of AsyncTask. As Android developers, we are spending lots of time to write AsyncTask for ListView and web service calls. Recently I read awesome article about AsyncTask, I suggest all Android developers to read this article "Dark Side of AsyncTask" by +Fré Dumazy, AsyncTask is redundant in every project. I hope many developer are agree with me, Thank to Volley framework now we can reduct effort,coding and time to write AsyncTasks. This article illustrate simple example of Volley library. VolleyTest application fetch JSON feed from Yahoo Pipe and display in ListView. Step 1: Download/Clone Volley library from git repo git clone https:/...