Example for Hashtable which allows duplicate keys...
* A Hashtable that allows duplicate keys.
* It needs to be fleshed out with some constructors for
* actual use. This version is not thread-safe.
* The values you store may not be arrays or ArrayLists.
* To bypass that restriction, you would need private container classes, which
* would get rid of the need for chained instanceofs.
public class HashTableWithDups extends Hashtable
* Associate yet another value with a key in a Hashtable that allows duplicates.
* Also use to put the first key/value.
* @param key Key to lookup by
* @param value yet another associated value for this key.
public void putDuplicate ( Object key , Object value )
// duplicate values are stored as single objects, pairs in an array or
// multiples in an ArrayList
// Why not just use ArrayLists for everything? To conserve RAM.
Object existing = get( key );
if ( existing == null )
put ( key, value );
else if ( existing instanceof Object[] )
// was a pair in array, make into an ArrayList of 3.
ArrayList a = new ArrayList();
a.addAll ( Arrays.asList( (Object[]) existing ));
a.add ( value );
// the entire ArrayList goes into the Hashtable as a single key
// replacing the array
put ( key, a );
else if ( existing instanceof ArrayList )
// just add to tail end of existing ArrayList
( (ArrayList)existing ).add( value );
/* was a single object. Make into a pair, replacing original single */
put ( key, new Object[] { existing, value } );
* Get from a Hashtable that allows duplicates
* @param key Key to lookup by
* @return array of values associated with this key.
* Note the result is an Object[] array not String[]
* array, even if contents were Strings.
* Null if none found.
* Returns values in same order they were inserted.
public Object[] getDuplicates ( Object key )
// values are stored as single objects, pairs in an array or
// multiples in an ArrayList
Object match = get( key );
if ( match == null )
return null;
else if ( match instanceof Object[] )
return (Object[])match;
else if ( match instanceof ArrayList )
ArrayList a = (ArrayList) match;
return a.toArray ( new Object[a.size()] );
/* was a single object */
return new Object[] { match };
* A Hashtable that allows duplicate keys.
* It needs to be fleshed out with some constructors for
* actual use. This version is not thread-safe.
* The values you store may not be arrays or ArrayLists.
* To bypass that restriction, you would need private container classes, which
* would get rid of the need for chained instanceofs.
public class HashTableWithDups extends Hashtable
* Associate yet another value with a key in a Hashtable that allows duplicates.
* Also use to put the first key/value.
* @param key Key to lookup by
* @param value yet another associated value for this key.
public void putDuplicate ( Object key , Object value )
// duplicate values are stored as single objects, pairs in an array or
// multiples in an ArrayList
// Why not just use ArrayLists for everything? To conserve RAM.
Object existing = get( key );
if ( existing == null )
put ( key, value );
else if ( existing instanceof Object[] )
// was a pair in array, make into an ArrayList of 3.
ArrayList a = new ArrayList();
a.addAll ( Arrays.asList( (Object[]) existing ));
a.add ( value );
// the entire ArrayList goes into the Hashtable as a single key
// replacing the array
put ( key, a );
else if ( existing instanceof ArrayList )
// just add to tail end of existing ArrayList
( (ArrayList)existing ).add( value );
/* was a single object. Make into a pair, replacing original single */
put ( key, new Object[] { existing, value } );
* Get from a Hashtable that allows duplicates
* @param key Key to lookup by
* @return array of values associated with this key.
* Note the result is an Object[] array not String[]
* array, even if contents were Strings.
* Null if none found.
* Returns values in same order they were inserted.
public Object[] getDuplicates ( Object key )
// values are stored as single objects, pairs in an array or
// multiples in an ArrayList
Object match = get( key );
if ( match == null )
return null;
else if ( match instanceof Object[] )
return (Object[])match;
else if ( match instanceof ArrayList )
ArrayList a = (ArrayList) match;
return a.toArray ( new Object[a.size()] );
/* was a single object */
return new Object[] { match };
This question asked by L&T Infotech .....
ReplyDeletewe cannot understood your java code for duplicate keys in hashtable. can you write the code briefly...