1. bmgr tool is used to a)take backup of the applications b)to restore operations c)wipe archived data for a specific application d)all of the above ans: d 2. foreground service a)starts when you call start foreground() b)may or may not provide a notification for the status bar c)notification can't be dismissed unless the service is either stopped or removed from the foreground d)both a & c ans:d 3. A1,A2,A3 and A4 are activities called using intents.Then A1-A4-A2--A3.A4 calls A2 with intent flag FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY.When finish method is called on A3, What will be the currtent running activity? a)A1 b)A4 c)A3 d)A2 ans: b 4. A1,A2,A3 and A4 are activities called using intents.Then A1-A2-A4--A3.A2 calls A4 with intent flag FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP.When finish() method is called on A3, what will be the current running activity? a)A4 b)A3 c)A2 d)A1 Ans: a 5. A1,A2,A3 and A4 are activities called using intents.Then A1-A2-A3-A4. A3 call...
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