Some Sample Performance Numbers
Some Sample Performance Numbers
To illustrate some of our ideas, here is a table listing the approximate run times for a few basic actions. Note that these values should NOT be taken as absolute numbers: they are a combination of CPU and wall clock time, and will change as improvements are made to the system. However, it is worth noting how these values apply relative to each other — for example, adding a member variable currently takes about four times as long as adding a local variable.
Action | Time |
Add a local variable | 1 |
Add a member variable | 4 |
Call String.length() | 5 |
Call empty static native method | 5 |
Call empty static method | 12 |
Call empty virtual method | 12.5 |
Call empty interface method | 15 |
Call Iterator:next() on a HashMap | 165 |
Call put() on a HashMap | 600 |
Inflate 1 View from XML | 22,000 |
Inflate 1 LinearLayout containing 1 TextView | 25,000 |
Inflate 1 LinearLayout containing 6 View objects | 100,000 |
Inflate 1 LinearLayout containing 6 TextView objects | 135,000 |
Launch an empty activity | 3,000,000 |
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